Stroke Rehabilitation


Stroke is the third largest cause of death in Malaysia. Only heart diseases and cancer are more deathly. It is considered to be the single most common cause of severe disability, and every year, an estimated 40,000 people in Malaysia suffer from stroke. Anyone can have a stroke, including children, but the vast majority of the cases affect adults.

Strokes occur due to problems with the blood supply to the brain: either the blood supply is blocked or a blood vessel within the brain ruptures. When this happens, the brain does not get enough oxygen or nutrients which causes brain cells to die.

There are three main kinds of stroke:

· Ischemic

· hemorrhagic

· TIA, also referred to as mini-strokes

Are you at risk ?

Everyone is at risk, there are unavoidable risk and risk you can reduce

Risk you can't change

  • age

  • gender

  • ethnicity

  • family history (genetics)

  • trauma to the head by accident

Risk you CAN reduce are risk that you can avoid by leading a healthy lifestyle

  • high blood pressure

  • smoking

  • high cholesterol

  • obesity / sedentary lifestyle

  • hearty diseases

  • high salt intake

  • heavy alcohol

  • previous stroke

How to diagnose a stroke

Strokes happen fast and will often occur before an individual can be seen by a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

The acronym F.A.S.T. is a way to remember the signs of stroke, and can help identify the onset of stroke more quickly:

· Face drooping: if the person tries to smile does one side of the face droop?

· Arm weakness: if the person tries to raise both their arms does one arm drift downward?

· Speech difficulty: if the person tries to repeat a simple phrase is their speech slurred or strange?

· Time to call 999: if any of these signs are observed, contact the emergency services.

In order for a stroke patient to get the best diagnosis and treatment possible, they will need to be treated at a hospital within 3 hours of their symptoms first appearing. The faster a person with suspected stroke receives medical attention, the better their prognosis and the less likely they will be to experience lasting damage or death.


Acute Treatment - In the hospital

In ischemic stroke, doctor will administer medication to remove the clot and resume blood supply to the brain as quickly as possible or to do a surgery to remove very large clot.

After Care

After a stroke, patient will have to relearn the most basic things in life to regain independence. Patient will be given medication and be referred for rehabilitation once medically stable


Strokes are life-changing events that can affect a person both physically and emotionally, temporarily or permanently. Rehabilitation is best started within 3 months onset of stroke. After a stroke, successful recovery will often involve specific rehabilitative activities such as:

· Physiotherapy - to help a person relearn movement and co-ordination. It is important to get out and about, even if it is difficult at first

· Occupational therapy - to help a person to improve their ability to carry out routine daily activities, such as bathing, cooking, dressing, eating, reading and writing

· Speech therapy - to help with problems producing or understanding speech. Practice, relaxation and changing communication style, using gestures or different tones for example, all help

· Support from friends and family - to provide practical support and comfort. Letting friends and family know what can be done to help is very important.

Here in Namaste Physiotherapy

  • We help reduce pain from stiffness and spasm associated with stroke

  • Prevent disuse atrophy

  • Help with problem of movement and balance

  • Strengthen muscle for transferring, standing, walking and other activities






· 缺血性中风

· 出血性中风

· 短暂性脑缺血发作,或称小中风

缺血性中风 出血性中风





· 突然的面部、手臂或者腿部麻木或者虚弱,尤其是在单侧躯体上。

· 突然的意识混乱、说话或者理解能力出现问题。

· 突然的单眼或者双眼视物模糊。

· 突然的行走困难、头昏眼花,失去平衡或者协调能力。






· 高血压

· 吸烟

· 心脏病

· 过量饮酒

· 高胆固醇

· 糖尿病

· 肥胖

· 前中风史或短暂性脑缺血发作



· 物理治疗-初期帮助患者重新学习动作如坐起与站立及身体平衡感,并依据患者的情况加强治疗的程度。在初期患者会因此觉得康复过程很困难,产生挫败与疲惫感。

· 职能治疗-帮助病患训练日常生活所运用到的动作

· 语言治疗-帮助病患语言理解及表达

· 家庭康复支持-家属及朋友的支持将加速患者的康复